Preserving, improving and rediscovering: The role of the Research Centre of Viticulture and Enology in safeguarding grapevine genetic resources in Italy
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Grapevine is one the most cultivated species worldwide, with 8,000 estimated varieties. Protecting this biodiversity is of utmost importance, especially in countries historically devoted to viticulture, such as Italy. One of the richest Italian ampelographic collections, spread in different regions from the north to the south of the peninsula, is owned and managed by the Research Centre of Viticulture and Enology (CREA-VE). Vitis vinifera L., but also other species of the Vitis genus. Since 2004, the Italian Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry has financed a specific programme named ‘Risorse genetiche vegetali – Trattato FAO (RGV-FAO)’ [Plant Genetic Resources – FAO Treaty] to collect, conserve, characterize and document plant genetic resources for food and agriculture. This paper presents the processes undertaken to enhance the collection, characterize its accessions, preserve and foster the genetic diversity and adaptability in grapevines, with particular emphasis on how this material is managed, evaluated and valorized in terms of different perspectives and practical uses.
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